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Showing posts with label encapsulation-in-c-sharp-with-example. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encapsulation-in-c-sharp-with-example. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 February 2016



1. We can combine both behavior and functionality both together with the wrapper of class. This means that a class which has data member as well as method is called encapsulation. 

      2. Dividing each of its classes into two distinct parts: the interface and the implementation.

      3. Class is the best example of encapsulation.

 By using the get and set methods (Accessors and Mutators) 
public class Account
    private string accoutName;
    // get methods
    public string GetAccount()
        return accoutName;
    // Set method
    public void SetAccount(string name)
        accoutName = name;
static void Main()
    string name ="SAVING_ACCOUNT";
    Account account = new Account();
    name = string.Empty;
    name = account.GetAccount();            