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Showing posts with label What is Metadata in Show all posts

Thursday 5 May 2016

What is metadata in Net

What is metadata in Asp.Net?
1. Metadata is stored in binary format. Therefore, metadata of an assembly is sharable among applications that execute on various platforms. It can also be exported to other applications to give information about the services and various features of an application.
2. An assembly metadata describes every data type and member defined in the code.
3. It stores the description of an assembly, such as name, version, culture, public key of an assembly along with the types exported, other assemblies dependent on this assembly, and security permissions needed to run the application.

Is versioning applicable to private assemblies in Asp.Net?

No, versioning is not applicable to private assemblies as these assemblies reside in their individual folders. Versioning can be applied to GAC only.

What is Assembly Manifest in Asp.Net?
Assemblies maintain all their information in a special unit called the manifest. Every assembly has a manifest.

The followings are the contents of an Assembly Manifest:
  • Assembly name - Represents a text string that specifies the assembly's name.
  • Version number - Represents a major and minor version number, as well as a revision and build number. The CL.R makes use of these numbers to enforce version policy.
  • Culture - Represents information of the culture or language, which the assembly supports. An assembly is a container of only resources containing culture- or language-specific information.
  • Strong name information - Represents the public key from the publisher, if a strong name is assigned to an assembly.
  • List of all files in the assembly - Represents a hash of each file contained in the assembly and a file name.
  • Type reference information - Represents the information used at the runtime to map a type reference to the file that contains its declaration and implementation.
  • Information on referenced assemblies - Represents a list of other assemblies that are statically referenced by the assembly. Each reference includes the names of dependent assemblies, assembly metadata (version, culture, operating system, and so on), and public key, if the assembly is strong named.
Name the MSIL Disassembler utility that parses any .NET Framework assembly and shows the information in human readable format

The Ildasm.exe utility.

What is the significance of the Strong Name tool in Asp.Net?

The Strong Name utility (sn.exe) helps in creating unique public-private key pair files that are called strong name files

Where is the information regarding the version of the assembly stored in Asp.Net?

Information for the version of assembly is stored inside the assembly manifest.

Can one DLL file contain the compiled code of more than one .NET language?
No, a DLL file can contain the compiled code of only one programming language.

What is the maximum number of classes that can be contained in a DLL file?

There is no limit to the maximum number of classes that can be contained in a DLL file.

What is a satellite assembly in Asp.Net?

Satellite assemblies are assemblies that are used to deploy language and culture specific resources for an application. In an application, a separate product ID is assigned to each language and a satellite assembly is installed in a language specific sub-directory.

What is the Global Assembly cache(GAC)? What problem does it solve?

1. GAC stands for Global Assembly Cache. It is a machine-wide code repository or cache where the registered assemblies must have a strong name and version number.
2. GAC is nothing but a special disk folder where all the shared assemblies will be kept.
3. the default location for the global assembly cache is %windir%\Microsoft.NET\assembly. In earlier versions of the .NET Framework, the default location is %windir%\assembly.

GAC helps in the problem of DLL hell. Dll hell is produced when there is Version conflict. Say you have installed Adobe Premier 5 and also Adobe Photoshop 7. Or you want both Photoshop 7 and Photoshop CS to run side by side in the same machine. In case of COM, once a DLL is registered, if you want to register a new version of it, you need to unregister the previous dll and then register the new one. This makes cumbersome and hence DLL hell arises where the older version ceases to execute when new version is installed.

The uses of GAC are as follows:

1) You can store multiple versions of the same assembly on a machine and execute them side by side.
2) Store the same assemblies in multiple locations on a machine uses additionally unneeded storage. Keeping them in one location reduces this cost.

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