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Showing posts with label Assemblies and Its Type in Asp.Net. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assemblies and Its Type in Asp.Net. Show all posts

Thursday 5 May 2016

Net What are Assemblies and Its type

What are the Assemblies and Its Type in Asp.Net?

1. Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions.
2. An assembly is a logical unit of code.
3. one assembly can contain one or more file.

Name the different components of an assembly in Asp.Net?

An assembly is a logical unit that is made up of the following four different types of components:
  • Assembly manifest
  • MSIL source code
  • Type metadata
  • Resources 

What are the various types of Assembly in Asp.Net?

There are mainly two types of assembly in .Netà
1.      Private Assembly
2.      Shared Assembly

Private Assembly

-A private assembly is normally used by a single application.
-it is stored in application directory or a sub-directory.
-A private assembly does not have strong name(types, version information, meta-data, and manifest) .

Shared Assembly

-shared assembly is used by multiple applications.
-A shared assembly is stored in global assembly cache.
-it has strong name.
-each shared assembly has four part name its face name, version, public key token and culture information.

Difference between private and shared assembly in Asp.Net?

Private assembly Shared Assembly
It is used by a single application. It is used by a multiple application.
It does not have to be identified by strong name. It has to be identified by strong name.

What is an Assembly in .NET,  What is an Assembly in C#, Assemblies in, Assemblies and Its Type in Asp.Net,what is assembly in c#,what is assembly in net, what is assembly in net with example, types of assembly in net framework,what are different types of assembly in